About the Senate of Virginia
The Senate of Virginia has 40 members. It is the companion to the House of Delegates which has 100 members.
The two bodies form a bicameral legislature which is derived from the original Virginia House of Burgesses formed in 1619. We are the oldest democracy in the New World.
The Senate sits in session in the State Capitol for 60 days during a biennial budget (even) year and 45 days during an “off” (odd) year. The 2025 session convenes on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 and adjourned, sine die, on Saturday, February 22, 2024. It can also be called into special session by the Governor. Members of the Virginia Senate also serve on standing committees and legislative subcommittees which meet throughout the year. The 11 standing committees are: Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources, Commerce and Labor, Education and Health, Finance and Appropriations, General Laws and Technology, Courts of Justice, Local Government, Privileges and Elections, Rehabilitation and Social Services, Rules, and Transportation. You can watch Senate committee meetings via live stream here.
Serving in the State Senate pays $18,000 a year in salary and provides the opportunity for members to participate in the state's health insurance plan. Members of the Virginia General Assembly are considered part-time legislators, therefore, many members hold full-time employment outside their legislative work.
The 2025 session of the Virginia General Assembly opened on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
In 2024, I was sworn in as a member of 2024 Freshman Class of Senators who make up the Democratic majority in the Virginia Senate. It was an honor to be part of this group and we are committed to preserving the progress that has been made by those who came before us. We will work together to ensure that Virginia is a fair, equitable, welcoming and great place to live, work, play, raise a family, start a business and worship.
We cannot so this job alone; I cannot do this job alone. I need your help, input and support. Please contact my office with any issues and/or concerns you may have on our Constituent Services page. Me and my office team are here to help you.
I'm excited to represent the citizens, businesses and houses of faith in the 21st District. I look forward to doing good work on your behalf.
Yours in Service,